Azabu Juban for men's hair removal salon MDSA-pubic area, testicles, chest hair.

Customer's voice

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I used to do a full Brazilian with hot wax in the past. After doing a full Brazilian with IPL (Intense Pulse Light) at MDSA I have to admit that I hardly felt any pain, especially comparing it to hot wax. I am looking forward to it being completed.


I am rather lazy about shaving my legs all the time so I started doing hair removal at MDSA. The hair on my legs has gradually got thinner. I’m very happy with the results.


Since I was a child, I had a complex about the hair on the back of my hands, fingers and the unwanted hair appearing from my shirt sleeves. Up until now, I used to shave with a razor in the bathroom, but the hair grew back quickly. I started to come to this salon from May, I was so surprised at the ease of this hair removal system. I decided to keep coming to this salon.


I've hated the unwanted hair on my body, so I have been looking for a hair removal salon on the internet. I wanted to find a shop that did VIO (full Brazilian) and to have it done before summer. Finally, I found MDSA, where I can choose to have to treatments done by a male staff member. Since it is the first time to come here today, I will write further comments later. However I’m sure the summer is going to be fun.


I don’t like my underarms because of the terrible rash I get after shaving, so I decided to have my underarm hair removed. After ten sessions my underarm hair is now completely gone and my skin has become smooth without any other treatment.


I am free from saving twice a day with an electric razor! Thank you!


I was quite surprised that my hair became thinner after only one treatment!


I applied for the first time trial course. I didn’t feel any pain at all, this actually made me a little worried. I look forward to have completed my hair removal.


The hair on my back is been treated at the moment. It takes less time than I expected, and it is convenient to have the treatments after work. In addition, it is easy to come here only once every two months.


I was relieved to hear that the hair removal machine is being used in Europe and America. I was very nervous about the first treatment, but was relieved the treament was completed quickly.